Karen Titolo

Feb 18, 20223 min

Building a culture of promotion as a retention strategy

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

People are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Since April 2021, 15 million people have left their jobs. Experts are forecasting that the quit rate will continue or accelerate in 2022. The Great Resignation is not a pay problem. It takes a 20% pay increase to move an engaged employee from one organization to another. An employee who is not feeling engaged with their work will move for little or no pay increase.

So how do we start to solve this problem?

Chanie is the founder of Schools of Excellence

Creating a culture of promotion is a critical retention strategy.

You may be asking yourself: "Not everyone wants a promotion, and even when you do ask teachers to level up or become the director, they have a flat out NO."

Here's why:

No one wants more responsibility!

No one wants more jobs, or more tasks, or more decisions to make.

Do you? Even for more money - would you accept more responsibility than what is currently on your plate?

We are fighting for survival and anything "extra” may be the thing that breaks us. (If we don't already feel at the breaking point).

You have gold sitting right in front of you.

That gold is your current team.

Why do most school leaders miss out on the opportunities that their team can contribute and bring forward?

They keep telling themselves the same lies:

“One day when it gets quiet, I’ll figure this all out.”

“Real soon, when this happens…. I’ll make time to do this.”

However, it’s always a busy time, so you need to intentionally make time for this.

How you present the project and work to your team really matters!

  • Many people are ready to level up, but are waiting for the invitation.

  • Many people know they can contribute, but they are terrified of failing.

  • Many people know they have more to give, but their self-esteem and their confidence needs some coaching.

Building a culture of promotion and a career lattice is about creating opportunities for everyone on the team to bring their best foot forward and contribute. There isn’t only one way to grow. You can create growth horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

People stay in a workplace where they are contributing and feel connected to the mission and vision.

Not every promotion is about growth:

  • Some people are looking for a reinvention.

  • Some people are seeking better lifestyles due to season of life changes.

  • Some people are seeking growth and are ready to do the work and time it takes to get there!

This type of culture is intentionally designed and refined.

Here are some questions you can reflect on as you start this journey:

  1. Who are my staff, both teachers and admin, that have been with me for 6 months or more?

  2. What are the short and long term goals of the business in each department?

  3. Have I met with each team member 1-1 and asked them what their personal goals and dreams are, what their talents and skills are, what they are passionate about?

  4. If you know this about your team, then you can sit down and start matching, eg. what this teacher loves to do aligns with this goal we have for the company.

This is a starting point. It starts to get your mind focused on where you want to go instead of staying stuck in a never-ending loop of survival.

So what is your next step, if you want to go deeper and really build this career lattice with opportunities and learn the skills and scripts to actually have these conversations with your team? And HOW do you learn to coach and guide them to level up?

Then I’d love to invite you to join me and other school leaders at the Summit of Excellence in Florida on March 1-2.

This is a premium experience for 100 owners and directors who want to learn the skills and create their strategy to build a culture of contribution, promotion and kindness.

This is NOT a place for quick tips, ideas and hacks. Those are for free on Google.

This is for school leaders who believe that the power of transformation comes from being in the room with the right people.

For leaders who understand that learning new strategies and skills like

  • Conflict resolution

  • Retention

  • Boundaries

  • Discernment

  • Emotional regulation

  • And much more

These are the foundations for what you, your team and your staff need to succeed in this era.

Join Chanie Wilschanski for the Summit of Excellence in Florida on March 1st and 2nd, 2022.

This is an event for leaders who want a break from the day-to-day grind and want someone else to take care of them. Pour into their mind and soul and walk away rejuvenated and inspired.

If you are interested in finding out more, then email: cw@chanie.me


If you would like to reserve your spot and learn more, along with all the details, click here: www.schoolsofexcellence.com/summit.
