Checklist for Preschool Curriculum Decision Makers

When evaluating published curriculum or developing your own, consider these features:
1. How does the curriculum define the roles of the teacher and the child in the learning process?
2. What domains of learning are addressed? Are they integrated or treated separately? Will the curriculum lead to the achievement of state early learning standards?
3. Does the curriculum provide guidance for differentiating teaching for students with special behavior? Linguistic or learning needs?
4. Do the curriculum’s developers provide an assessment system that is consistent with the teaching philosophy and learning content?
5. What research evidence exists to support the value or effectiveness of the curriculum?
6. Is the curriculum appropriate for all teachers, regardless of the qualifications? What kind of professional development is provided?
7. Are specific materials required to implement the curriculum?
8. Does the curriculum model provide guidance for such services as parent involvement and the transition to kindergarten?
Copple, C. & Bredekamp, S.Developmentally Appropriate Practice, 3rd Ed., N